Bittersweet Ending: If you release Maisi from her bonds, she will immediately seek Metellus and kill him with an ice spell, breaking open a nearby water pipe.Dig even deeper and you'll learn he's a vile rapist who breaks the Dwarves' Law on the regular thanks to a loophole he has discovered. Digging a little deeper reveals that that his rule of the city basically means letting himself and his friends (mainly Imperials) enjoy the pleasure of the Citadel while the rest of the city slaves away to survive. Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Jarl Metellus seems to be a friendly Reasonable Authority Figure who's willing to lend you all the aid you need in order to solve the mystery and get home to your time.The Arbiter is the Dwemer who has been enforcing the Draconian laws of the city while Metellus is violating the law in secret to rape Maisi nightly. Big Bad Duumvirate: The Arbiter and Jarl Metellus.