Once the rocks are under your control lay down mines and move to the back CP. Occasionally go up to the platform and kill the snipers. If you see a tank do your best to damage it but don't waste time. Take out enemies as you make your way across the beach. Then switch to your preferred class and attack the rock CP. Once the tanks are taken out fall back to the beachhead get more ammo and lay down more mines. Now wait for the tanks and aim for the weak spot. Lay down your mines and then fall back behind a barricade. First spawn as an assault class and sprint to the shoreline. This CP can be used to spawn a tank and protect the base. Your primary goal should be to hold the beachhead at all costs.
The best strategy involves many different classes and improvisation depending on the situation. This isn't very useful but if you decide to use it aim for the snipers and whomever is using the cannons.
One strategy is to simply spawn on the beachhead, go on top of the roof of the hut and snipe coming down only for ammo. This map doesn't have a strong strategy involving squads which isn't completely obvious. There are a few strategies that someone could use. Republic- The Republic starts with the base and beachhead cps. There are four CP's in total (Back, Rocks, Beachhead and Base) Along the side of that is another cp protected by scattered rocks. The middle of the map is a shallow ocean between the back cp and the beachhead.